Anyone who has moved from one home to another knows—relocating can be stressful. Not even kidding…like, seriously stressful.
But it doesn’t have to be a hair-pulling experience, especially if you take time to prepare well and pack carefully. But how exactly does one pull off the perfect packing job? By reading tips from your favorite Sydney removalists (ahem) and showing up on packing day with the knowhow to knock out the project in no time.
When it comes to moving, Holloway has your back. Let’s take a look at some of our favorite packing tips for a smooth move in Sydney.
1. Make Decluttering Priority No. 1
You wouldn’t believe the number of people we move who have packed up items they haven’t seen or used since the last time they moved. No joke—people pull out boxes that have been packed for 10 years and pay to have them moved once again.
If you have old clothing…or broken electronics…or boxes of out-of-style dishes…why not get rid of them before you move? The benefit of doing so is twofold—first, you’ll can make a little extra cash by selling your unused, working items at a garage sale. Second, you’ll save money by not paying movers to cart unused items from your old house to your new.
Finally, embracing your inner Marie Kondo and getting rid of the knickknacks and junk that do not bring you joy will have you feeling lighter and less stressed in no time.
2. Give Yourself More Packing Time Than You Think You’ll Need
People often go into the process of packing their home with all the exuberance of the untrained. They set unrealistic timelines, leaving packing for the week before the move only to realize they’ve grossly underestimated the amount of time necessary for novice packers to get their home ready for moving.
It can take anywhere from 50 – 75 hours to pack a single-family home. Keep this in mind when you’re building your moving timeline and give yourself plenty of cushion in terms of packing time. It’s better of overestimate than underestimate…seriously.
3. Spend a Little Extra on High-Quality Moving Boxes
We know, we know…considering you’re already paying for movers, it’s natural to try to cut corners to save a few bucks. But, please, do not cut corners on your moving boxes. Yes, you may be tempted to scrounge used boxes from the back of the local grocery market, or to accept old moving boxes from someone who just completed a move. But consider this—you have no idea how much wear and tear those boxes have endured. Exactly how many times have those boxes been reused? Who knows? Were they exposed to moisture and are now in a weakened state? It’s anyone’s guess.
There is nothing worse than making due with old boxes only to have the bottom fall out and all of your treasured belongings come crashing to the floor. Bite the bullet and pay for new, heavy-duty moving boxes. They won’t set you back that much and you’ll be grateful for the extra peace of mind that comes with them.
4. Resist the Urge to Overpack Your Boxes
Another area where homeowners try to cut corners is through the overpacking of boxes to cut down on the number of boxes they must buy. And once again we say…we beg you…don’t do it.
Overloading your boxes increases the chance of your box failing and spilling your belongings onto the floor where they’ll likely break. Here’s a good rule of thumb—keep the maximum weight of any box around 22 kilos. Doing so will make moving day less miserable for you or whoever will be moving your boxes come moving day.
5. Be Kind to Yourself and Limit Packing Sessions
Don’t try to be a hero and pack your entire house in a single day…you are not a professional packer. Set a timer and give yourself an hour. Pack as much as you can in that hour then take a break. Rather than packing random boxes throughout the house, pack everything up in one room before moving to the next. This will help you visualize exactly how much you’ve accomplished and make you feel more successful.
Giving yourself plenty of packing time and using high-quality materials will help reduce the stress factor as you prepare for your move. If you have any questions about packing up your home, or if you are looking for a reliable removalist in the Sydney area, kindly contact us at Holloway Removals. Our team of expert movers will be happy to offer you high-quality moving boxes and packing supplies to keep your belongings safe while in transit. And our team of moving pros is ready to help you with both local and interstate moves.
Make sure your move happens the right way…with Holloway.