If a move is in your future, you’re likely itching to write the big day on your calendar. For most of us, moving day is where we aim our focus—out with old, in with new as they say….and we just can’t wait for the new!
Yet, while moving day feels like THE big event, there is plenty to organize beforehand to ensure things go smoothly on “the big day”. We’ve gathered some essential tips and reminders—beginning 8 weeks prior to moving day—to make sure your move goes off without a hitch. Here’s how to plan early for moving day.
8 Weeks Before
Gather Estimates from Moving Companies
Now is the time to begin collecting estimates from moving companies. Three estimates is the minimum and will allow you to compare price and services effectively.
Think about the types of services you’ll want on moving day. Do you want to pack boxes yourself? Do you want movers to load and unload only? Would you prefer to be hands-free on moving day, letting the moving team pack, transport, unload and unpack? Knowing what you want from your moving team will help you determine the best removalists for your job.
Be sure to check online reviews and ask friends and family for recommendations. It is sometimes worth spending a little more to get a team with a proven track record of professionalism and efficiency.
Go “Marie Kondo” on Your Junk
Now is the time to take a hard look at your stuff. Why pay to move things you don’t use? As Marie would say, if it isn’t sparking joy it’s time to ditch your unused items.
Gather unwanted stuff and host a garage sale. Take what doesn’t sell and donate to a local organization. You’ll feel better and your wallet will thank you on moving day.
Ask for Time Off From Work
You’re going to want a day (or two, if possible) away from the office to be available on moving day and to start the unpacking process. Try to schedule your time off as close to the weekend as possible so you have a couple of extra days to settle into your new space.
6 Weeks Before
Time to Pack
You’ve gotten rid of your unnecessary items and it’s now time to pack up your belongings (if you’re not paying for packing services). Starting 6 weeks out gives you plenty of time to tackle the job a little at a time without feeling overwhelmed. Start with non-essential items—things you won’t need in the next 6 weeks.
Remember to clearly label boxes containing fragile items and with their location in the new residence. If you are moving multiple bedrooms, assign a number to each bedroom and label boxes accordingly. On moving day, you can label the bedrooms at the destination with the correct number, allowing movers to easily place boxes in their proper location.
Prepare for School Transfers
If you have school-age children, now is the time to request transcripts from their current school and have them sent to the new school.
It’s always a good idea to contact both schools to confirm you’ve done everything needed to ensure a smooth transition.
4 Weeks Before
Contact Utilities Services
It’s time to schedule discontinuation of services at your old location and set them up at your new home.
Touch Base With Your Landlord
Moving from a rental? Reach out to your landlord and make sure he or she knows your moving date. This is also a great time to find out when your security deposit will be returned.
Back Up Your Home Computer
We all want moving day to be trouble free … but accidents can (and do) happen. Cover your bases by backing up your home computer. You’ll be glad you did should an accident occur.
Contact Your Insurance Company
Speaking of accidents, don’t forget to contact your insurance company to see if your current homeowners or renters policy covers any accidents that may occur or items that are broken during your move.
If an accident happens and you are forced to file a claim with your insurance, it may cause your premiums to increase. Talk to your agent about the benefits and drawbacks of paying for one-time moving insurance as an alternative to filing through your existing policy. It might save you money in the long run.
Set Up Cable & Internet Installation at New Address
We all know how quickly these appointments book up. Though it may seem excessive to set up your cable and internet installation this early, you’ll be glad you did. There’s nothing worse than waiting too long and being forced to sit in an unconnected home for days or weeks, paying to use your own data.
Starting early will ensure you’re fully prepared for the moving day. Be sure to check back next week when we’ll have your checklist for the 2 weeks prior to your move. Trust us when we say you’ll want this information—there’s still SO much to do!
The good is, with a little forethought and preparation, your big move and transition into your new home will be a smooth one. See you next week!
If you’d prefer to leave the effort and hassle to professionals, we hope you’ll consider Holloway Removals for all of your packing and moving needs. We are happy to create a custom estimate for every service you want and nothing you don’t.
After all, it’s your move.