You’ll find lots of plans to follow when preparing for and completing office relocations in Sydney. Advice will probably also be plentiful, and you should end up with a useful guide to the process. In spite of this, it’s too easy to fall into a few common traps that we have encountered when working with our clients. So, what follows isn’t an extensive step-by-step plan; it is our way of hoisting a few warning flags that might help avoid relocation distress…
Four points to ponder when planning your office relocations Sydney
- Don’t create your own great master plan – it’s not unknown for one person, tasked with organising such a relocation, to try to reach all the decisions on their own. The final plan might be your responsibility, but it should be a collaborative effort. This includes talking to the people involved about what they would like to see in their new ‘home’. The office relocation might give the chance for more effective layouts, solve some long-standing problems, or ease frustrations currently felt. Of course, some folk will ask for the earth, but most will be reasonable. They’ll understand that they won’t get a perfect new home; you’ll be appreciated for consulting them. You’ll also have noticed some areas which might cause concern after the move and be better equipped to deal with them.
- Make sure you tackle the ‘obstacle course’ – this means taking the time to ensure that your business can actually be relocated! Sounds obvious, but it’s not unknown for a relocation plan to clearly show where everything should be positioned, yet the creator has neglected to check that it’s physically possible to move everything around corners, along corridors, through doors and into the new premises!
- Don’t leave staff members ‘just hanging about’ – on the day of an office relocation in Sydney, we sometimes find members of the company’s team hanging around with nothing much to do – except to fuss and fret. This can hamper our work, meaning the move takes longer than it should. We’ve found it’s best for staff members to have something specific to do, either in the current location or their new home. Now, whisper this, but sometimes it’s even best just to give some of them the day off.
- Prepare for the ‘office relocation blues’ – this isn’t strictly part of our remit when helping businesses relocate, and we’re not suggesting writing a song to commemorate the occasion. Your new company home might be smarter, brighter, and better than where you were before. But, it is also different. Accept that some people will fit in quicker and better than others. There will be gripes and moans – valid or not – and a key part of a successful move is to take time to help everyone settle in. Know how each person is likely to react and be prepared for this. An office relocation shifts habits and feelings as much as computers and desks!
As professional removalists, we’ll always encourage our clients to take a wider view of any relocation, and be willing to offer our experience beyond packing, lifting, shifting, and our other duties. How could we help you with your next office move?