When it comes to storage units, security isn’t just another feature to consider, it’s the foundation of what makes any company trustworthy and reliable. Whether you're stashing away Grandad’s collection of garden gnomes, those golf clubs that you were certain would make you a pro, or that mountain of business documents you need out of the way, you want to know your stuff is safe and sound. Therefore, understanding what sets apart the professionals from the guys with a couple of garages spare is important. Especially, if you’re going to put your trust and money into them. That’s why this article breaks down the key components to look for when choosing safe and secure storage.
Comprehensive Range of Insurance
Firstly, insurance. Although it may not be the most glamorous part of storage, if any issues arise, insurance is the safety net for all your belongings. Therefore, any company worth looking twice at should be offering a comprehensive range of insurance options that suit your needs. No matter how many safety measures a storage company may have in place, unfortunate accidents can happen to anyone. If a company claims to not need insurance or simply tries to brush past the topic like a child avoiding why the school called home that day, then run for the hills. Or at the very least walk in the direction of a different storage facility. Whilst insurance doesn’t have to be mandatory for the customer, a reputable company should always provide a range of insurance options to protect from unforeseen issues and give peace of mind.
No Double Handling
A simple rule to storage and removals is that the less your belongings have to switch hands or location, the less likely they are to experience damage. Based on this understanding, professional storage companies who respect your item's safety will always try to minimise the number of stop-off points between point A (your location) and point B (the storage unit). Companies that offer mobile storage with removals perks are the sweet spot of safety standards, as not only will they bring the storage module to you but they will also pack your belongings and load them into the unit using professional equipment and packing expertise. As well as preventing damage, this avoidance of double handling reduces any opportunity for misplacement of items, protecting them from every angle.
Additionally, combined storage and removals will not only help keep your items safe but will also save you money and time. By combining services, you automatically avert the extra cost of hiring removalists to load and unload your belongings on top of the charge of the storage unit itself. Plus, this consolidated service will save you the job of trying to align all of these different moving parts to arrange dates. So, when your items make fewer stops than a direct flight, you can rest easier knowing you’ve saved yourself money, time and a whole lot of trouble.
Pest Controlled Facilities
The last thing anyone wants is to open their storage module and find that creepy crawlies have turned what was once a beautiful wool jumper into their winter residence. To ensure the safety and cleanliness of your stored belongings, professional storage facilities should be taking pest control seriously. Make sure to ask your storage providers about the measures that they have in place for pest control purposes - such as if the units are sealed or how regular are pest control treatments provided. The best facilities also maintain impeccable cleanliness standards as they understand that a clean facility is less likely to attract unwanted guests of the six-legged variety.

24 hour Security
If you want to know your items are safe from harm then around-the-clock security is imperative. Before placing your belongings in storage, you should always check if they have 24-hour CCTV and a tight security procedure, anything less than 24 hours a day is a bit like putting a bouncer on the door of a club for only half the night - pointless. Continuous CCTV not only deters any kind of misconduct from other customers or employees but also provides you with the peace of mind that your storage company is doing all that they can to protect your belongings. Knowing that measures are in place to keep the items you hold dear to you safe and sound is a reminder that your storage provider cares for your belongings just as you do.
Controlled On-Site Access
To maintain the protection of your belongings, professional storage facilities should always implement strict access control systems that track and monitor who enters the facility. However, this is also where it becomes essential to understand the storage options that are on offer. For those who require a casual drop-in availability to their storage without any real security measures, then choosing safeguarded storage may not be your preference. However, for individuals who are placing their treasured belongings into storage and want to know it's going to be looked after then you want to make sure on-site access is controlled properly.
Now, this doesn’t mean you need to complete a four-step security procedure upon arrival or provide the name of the first street you lived on and your favourite teacher in high school. All that controlled access requires is a simple book-in system to visit your belongings in storage, so that you can rest assured that you’re the only one visiting your belongings.
To Summarise
Whether you’re choosing interim storage for moving or long-term storage for your business, making sure that you’ve selected a safe storage facility with professional conduct is paramount. By checking that the company provides all safety measures possible from comprehensive insurance to controlled on-site access, you can relax knowing that your belongings are in safe hands.